All I got…

…was a big lousy nothing. Seriously folks. My husband went to today’s Red Sox game – he got the day off from work and didn’t have to take a vacation day to do it since his company basically sent him there (they have season tix and raffle them off to employees and he got lucky today – it was a day game!!!). I was so jealous. Not because I like the Red Sox mind you but because my husband got to enjoy a baseball game live, in a cool stadium, at his employer’s expsense. Nate made out well – I’m losing woefully on the indoctrination front being that I live in the heart of enemy country (and I’m a Yankees fan at that! I hope that I don’t lose readership because of it).

Work was better today, after a really trying week last week. I couldn’t imagine doing another trial this week – I would have just been so exhausted. I really do need to build my stamina up. I was able to get back in the ring and do another really interesting suppression hearing.

I have another review up.  I reviewed Persepolis 2: The Retuern here. I’ve been reading just about every book that I can get my hands on if it has been mentioned on Books on the Nightstand and so far, they haven’t missed one. They have such phenomenal reading recommendations.  I must admit that I’ve been using books as a way to escape and my consumption has increased as my exercise has increased.  I have been working out much more religiously – about 30-45 minutes a day at least on the treadmill or elliptical with yoga class thrown in at least 2-3 times a week. I find that it’s been helping. I plan on getting on the scale again at the end of this week and seeing how it has helped.  As of last week, I had lost five pounds!!! Go me!